Thursday, October 21, 2010

Morning Mantras...

"Please God get me through this morning...please God get me through this morning..."

This was taken this between the tantrums!

I'm sure we can all agree...these morning are universal.  Not all the time, some mornings I can't believe how smoothly it all goes...everyone is happy, fed, clean, and I manage to get out of my pyjamas before lunchtime.  This morning however everyone woke up too early, and on the wrong side of the bed to boot!  I thought after a bottle full of yummy rice milk, (for the babe) AND the episode of Yo Gabba Gabba the kids would be happy.  Oh...I was SO wrong.
So...I started on my mantra...I thought about all the other moms who are feeling this way on this morning.  There is comfort in that fact that we're not alone as mothers...even though we are all in our separate houses in different parts of the world, these mornings ARE universal and we are united in the insanity, chaos, happiness and wonder that is mothering.  Today give yourself a pat on the back...we all got through the morning together! 

xo maureen


  1. oh I so know those mornings. Sometimes, when my head is clear enough to think of it, or when I'm just too tired to fight it anymore, tired of hearing them fighting, we all sit down for a good ol' cuddle as we watch a loving family cartoon. then, if the mood hasn't passed, we have a tickle fest. that usually works for a bit. good luck.

  2. so true....W has been super cranky these past days....I cant seem to out him down for more than 3 minutes without a meltdown! I have to constantly remind myself that this is a phase, and the most important thing I can do is be there for him. whether he wants to be held every second or not...these days will be gone before I know it. Soon he'll be running away from me...dodging my phone calls... ::sigh:: Toddlerhood is tough....but it's also awesome:) great post...really something to think about, as always:)

  3. I seem to have these mornings daily these V has a gastro bug so I am summoned to "WIPE MY BUUUUUM" every 15 minutes or so. Sigh. It is easy to feel alone. Thanks for reminding me I'm not...but I'm still going away for the weekend to actually BE alone!!

  4. Ugh. Mine is "I can make it until B gets home. I *can* make it until B gets home."

    The Imp is trying to give up his nap and it isn't going so well. *falls over*

  5. This was yesterday for me. Before we got out of bed the kids had found paint and well, we spent about an hour trying to clean it up. You are not alone.

  6. Mine was today too grrrrrr! She is three now, 3! we have been saying to ourselves since she was tiny that things will improve in a few months, she will calm down but still, still we are dealing with tantrums! And of course, as the more highly strung one, Hubby blames me for her personality traits :o)
    OK maybe I am just generalising because I am at the end of of very long day, she isn't always like this but...sigh* often enough

  7. Some are up and some are down, but I know I'll miss them when they have all left home. I'm hanging on to the nice moments. With three of them, there is always one that is calm and will give me a hug when I most need it, in our morning rush. No, you really are not alone.

  8. I read a great thought about mornings like those that I like to return to now and again.
    There are some mornings, where as long as no one is bleeding and nothing is on fire, things are good.

    Peace mama.

  9. This is where I came up with mama ashtanga. Walk to the breakfast table, inhale. Set down the bowl, exhale. walk back to the sink, inhale. etc, etc. And then there is also omming very loudly while I do the dishes, again.
    it is so comforting to know that lots of other lovely, sweet and like-minded women also feel like banging their head against the wall sometimes.
    And it must be the full moon, because lots of little ones seem a little one the clingy side this week. And by little, I mean my 7 year old too.

  10. Isn't it ironic that it's almost impossible to get out of the house for a change of scenery on those days when we could *really use* a change of scenery!

    Wishing you a tomorrow full of fresh air, autumn leaves, skipping, dancing and giggles...


  11. This is normally my afternoon walking my 6 yr old from school on the way home.Still trying to find a way to change this pattern.
    @canadiangranola I say TESTIFY girl!But sometimes a little bit of fire is ok....right?

  12. nawww thats an awesome way to look at it! You know what? I really was having a bad morning this morning too, in fact a pretty tough day, so you werent alone xx

  13. See...this is what I LOVE...knowing that we mamas are united in these feelings. When you are alone at home with your little ones it can feel very isolating, (especially when everyone is having a case of the grumps).
    Canadian Granola...I am SO putting that on my great!
    I chalk these mornings up to the whole wonderful experience of's such a mixed bag...the frustration, JOY, beauty, magic, havoc, wonder and bliss!
    xo mama friends!

  14. This happens.... sometimes i find myself longing for the mornings that were like that in my house... everyone is older now 10 and 12 years ... and sometimes i find myself longing for the mornings where everyone needed me.... hrumph.... am i crazy !!!?? haahah !!
    light and peace
    Autumn mama

  15. Aren't you glad you don't have to try and hurry them out the door to catch the bus!! On days like this we can take out time getting things done or even do nothing. Ella takes a while to wake up and be happy in the mornings, I'm glad I can give her the time she needs.

  16. Sometimes we just need to let these mornings unfold and relax and breathe:-)

  17. My morning was okay.... today.
    these posts make me remember that it will all be okay.

  18. Oh I was there with you today for sure. I wrote a post about my toddler recently that might resonate with what you are feeling too:

    They are crazy aren't they? Good job they are so cute ; )

  19. And sometimes those mornings last the whole darn day.

    Much love...

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