Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mama Nature Giveaway & Bare Foot Tutorial!!

Who I am: I am simply free-spirited, intuitive and imaginative. I support our local Farmer's Markets.  I am a newly discovered community artisan! I believe in creating physically and spiritually. I want to inspire people to take whatever idea I share and make it their own and make it personal to them.

What I create:  I have been creating for my family the past year and it wasn't until recently that I felt very encouraged by my friends and community to branch out and sell some of my creations. Things I create for my family: garden art, felt toys, polymer dolls and jewelry, knitted clothing (my favorite being the little red riding hood), upcycled patch-work clothing, quilt mandalas, illustrations for there bedroom walls, and stories that teach real value. Yes, I am a busy lady and I always try to involve my children in what I do! Most people may think being this busy might make life more complex but for me and my family it actually brings a simplicity and balance! It exercises our self-sufficiency, self discipline, self-awareness, self-discovery, our heart, our family's quality of time and of course our creativity. I'm so thankful for the opportunities I've received in my life and I'm even more thankful for the supportive people in my life!

"Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture your heart..."
Native American saying
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What inspires me: Three things that inspire me: my children, my community and mama nature. I don't think you can get any more simple than that! My favorite musician is Jack Johnson and we start nearly every day listening to his music and allowing it to ground us and prepare our hearts for the day. I also have been a member of his All At Once Community for a couple years now. Other things that inspire me: my heritage & home, this communitywaldorf, and wildlife

What is my crafting space like? Space is so important. It's nearly a source of inspiration itself! A majority of my art doesn't happen in my home - it happens outdoors or in our community! Occasionally, in the evenings or early morning I will construct a new felt creation. And my family has been very supportive in giving me quiet time for a couple hours Tuesdays and Thursday evenings. This is when I blog, craft and reach out to people outside of our home.

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      We have been taking notice of the barefoot weather! For this activity you will need body paint or face paint, a paint brush, barefeet and a creative imagination! It is amazing what you can do with something as simple as lines and colors! We also attempted to identify and paint animal tracks! The print my daughter is wearing in the this picture represents a bear foot - no pun intended - ha ha.

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs.
Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who come alive."
-my grandma/
Robert Henri, The Art Spirit
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For an official entry please comment below. For additional entries please like my facebook page and leave a comment below telling me that you have done so! For more entries you can choose to either share my facebook page, follow my blog Mama Nature or heart my Etsy shop! Please leave a comment for each entry!

The winner is #18
(the giveaway ends next Saturday at midnight)

Thank you Mama Nature for sharing your story, your passions and your creativity with us all!
xo maureen & shanti


  1. Oh how sweet! :)

    justsuzie_s at hotmail dot com

  2. So adorable! I now follow her on facebook. :)

  3. And I favourited her on Etsy too!!

  4. & I have added your Etsy shop to my favorites!

  5. you have a sweet little etsy shop!

  6. To cool. Love all your creations. They are awsome.

  7. What a sweet little fox!!!!
    ~ joey ~

  8. i think you are an inspiration for us to get out in nature and enjoy it and introduce our kids to the beauties of the forest, rivers, etc.

  9. following the blog as

  10. You're an amazing artist! Congrats on your success so far.

  11. very cute!

    marfmom at gmail dot com

  12. That is WAY sweet

  13. I liked your page on facebook - krystyl waechter -

  14. I follow VIA GFC - krystyl Olson -

  15. I did share your T&T FB page (Sandra Mil) - I am really happy you are up and running again and I don't know how I missed it for ONE COMPLETE month!

  16. And yes, I <3 Mama Nature Etsy shop (
