Monday, May 10, 2010

Felt toadstools...and other delights!

For Mothers Day, in the hours I had in between work shifts, (I work overnights and day shifts on the weekend), all I wanted was some uninterrupted craft time, tea and the television hooked back up so I could watch a weeks worth of Coronation Street.  Since I'm a true multi-tasker, I took this as my time to sew.  Recently I saw a lovely pattern for felt toadstools, and deciding that I HAD to have them, (I mean, who doesn't need felt toadstools?), I got out the felt and in between sips of tea, and British melodrama,  enjoyed a morning of stitching!

Here are my toadstools, along with a bunny that I finished on a long car drive last week!

I will post a toadstool tutorial later on this week!  They are so fun to make...I foresee a rainbow of toadstools in our near future.

Of course Ruby wanted to get in on the sewing she is sewing a mouse for herself...

She hasn't shown much interest in sewing, so I was elated that she wanted to make something for herself...oh, and I love the out of whack stitches, makes it totally endearing!!!

And today...oh glorious day.  The snow has stopped and the sun is shining bright!  That means I can get back outside and plant these lovely perrenials I was gifted with yesterday, (I helped to divide a garden that was "bursting" with perrenials)!!!!  Oh JOY!!!!

Happy Day!
love Maureen


  1. Those toadstools are soo cool!

  2. Love the 'stools! No buttons?? Watch those perennials...they're calling for widespread frost tonight. Can you believe it?? Well, believe it.

  3. know my feelings about buttons and babies!!! (recall the cookie making knit night of 09!) our plants are suffering because of the frost...I guess I'll leave it up to the hands of fate...all of the things I planted are supposed to be pretty hardy! By the way...I'd love to come dig up some Chinese Lanterns at your farm :-)

  4. Ooooh...lovely! Looking forward to the tutorial.

  5. Oh, I LOVE toadstools... they are so cool!!! Thanks so much for sharing them with me.
    Blessings and magic from a fellow toadstool fanatic.

  6. Hi,
    I love these toadstools they are cool!
    Thanks for popping by.
    Also your rainbow cakes are AMAZING!!!!

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