Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Mod Podge" Monday...Let's Make a Rainbow Lantern!!!

Don't worry...she can't burn her's a battery operated tea light!!!

We've had rain almost every day this week...well, you know what that means here at the Toadstool...bring out the craft supplies.  Shanti and I decided that we wanted to have a week devoted to Modge Podge...there is just SO much you can do with a jar of Modge Podge and a little imagination!!  So...since it's summertime, and we spend alot of time out on our porch, we decided to make some rainbow lanterns! 

If you want to make some of your own you will need:

a jar...whatever size you wish, (we used a 250 ml jar)
tissue paper in rainbow colours
foam brush or paint brush
Modge Podge

To start:

Cut a strip of tissue paper about an inch in width...then cut that into squares or rectangles...
you'll need enough to go around the width of your jar.  Get your jar and put on a layer of Modge Podge...lay your tissue paper on top of that...and then spread on more Modge Podge overtop...

Keep colour at a time.  You'll have to overlap the colours a me, it'll still look great and rainbow-y!  Go all the way to the rim of your jar...

and let it dry!!!

You can use this as a little lantern, vase for flowers, loose change...whatever you fancy!  This was a sweet and simple craft that we all did together, it took very little time and the results are wonderful and colourful!!

Sending you rainbows!!
xo maureen


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog and reading about my featured artist. i hope to add 2 or more a month. i love this activity. we did this in elementary school and i still remember using the little baby food jars to make them.

    i am off to look around some more. please stop by again and check out my june happys.

    xoxo, sarah

  2. Weird...Gardenmama was on the same wavelength today! I'm excited to do this quick craft with Sarah and Jamie this week! Looks like yet another cloudy day...sigh.

  3. how fun! i have been wanting to do this for a while...thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I love how this craft is so flexible and adaptable for any season/theme/occasion. And appealing to a wide range of ages. Eldest once made a sweet jack-o-lantern one for Halloween. I like your rainbow one!

  5. Oh my...I saw the gardenmama ones...they put our little lantern to shame!!!! ha! (hers are totally beautiful...everyone should check them out)!
    oh well...we still like our rainbow one!!
    maureen :)

  6. I did this recently too! But with glue. What is hodge podge? I love your hot air ballons too! Well done on completing a project.

  7. Messyfish...Modge Podge does basically the same thing as watered down would definately leave a hardier finish though...I've even decoupaged dressers with it, (I'll post some pictures later this week), and it stands up quite well when covered with a few coats of Modge Podge!
    xo mauren


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