Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pay It Forward...a giveaway of sorts!

I'm a believer that we can change this world of ours one act of kindness at a time!

"Kindness can become its own motive.  We are made kind by being kind."
-Eric Hoffer

Here's the challenge...simple and sweet.  Someone out there in this vast blog network started a "Pay It Forward" challenge.  I signed on, and now I want to Pay It Forward myself.  So, here's what I'm proposing...a giveaway of sorts.

Leave a comment under this post.  At noon tomorrow comments will be closed, and I'm going to choose 3 people at random.  I'll make each of you a fabulous sunny window star, (if you're in the Southern Hemisphere, I'll make you a wonderful wintery window star)!  *make sure I have some way of contacting you!

The challenge for you will be to pay it forward yourself.  You can do this in your real life, or on your blog, (if you have one), let's just get these simple and divine acts of kindness rolling in our world.

"Just because an animal is large, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want kindness; however big Tigger seems to be, remember that he wants as much kindness as Roo."
from Pooh's Little Instruction Book

maureen xox

The winners are:
Rose Mamie
Sheepish and
I'll be in touch with you all very soon!


  1. Woo hoo! I love giveaways! And this one is so nice :) I also love those stars and have had making one on my "list." Yours is beautiful!

  2. Oh how much fun! I love the pay it forward and your window stars are beautiful.
    Blessings, Elizabeth

  3. great idea!! i definitely will be paying it forward as well. i've always loved that concept..:)

    thanks so much..:)

  4. I really want to learn to make these! Yours is beautiful!

  5. Pay it forward was first introduced to me when I was in college getting my papers for furniture building. Money was really tight for me....two kids, single mom. A friend of mine who was in better off space, but not by much gave me a one time gift of some money to spend on Easter treats for my girls. I felt awkward of course, but she insisted. Ever since then I have practiced the Pay it forward concept. It is a wonderful makes the world seem so much more human. Count me in on this one.

  6. what a lovely idea! your sun stars are so bright and beautiful!!

  7. This is a fabulous positive idea. I will think of a way to pay it forward! Thanks for this.
    Love that sun xxx

  8. You were one of the first three to comment on my PIF post so please email me your name and address and I'll get your parcel in the post soon.
    Em xx

  9. I would love the chance to win a sunny window star! It is exciting to see pay it forward in action.

  10. Love this. Please enter me! I am a firm believer in "pay it forward"
    Thank you!

  11. What a wonderful, beautiful idea. We are, everyday, finding out the joys of sharing kindness with others.

  12. I love this! Please enter me..and even if I don't win I promise to pay it forward :)

  13. What a wonderfully nice idea--to brighten someone else's day/life! I'd love to play along!

  14. ok, I'm in for a little bit of kindness,,,
    love the sun catcher

  15. What a beautiful idea! Your stars are gorgeous, and it never takes much arm twisting for me to participate in a pay-it-forward chain of kindness! :)

  16. Oh, happy things...I *love* happy things:-)

  17. Count me in! I also think pay it forward had a huge capacity for making a difference!


  18. What a great idea! I will also think of a way to pay it forward. I've tried to make those window stars, but I cannot find the right paper, so mine is too thick and the sun can't light through it... but my kids love it anyways. I love how yours lights up!

  19. I love these consider me entered(if it's not too late ) I have been considering doing a giveaway very soon. I am going to wait till I have a few more followers though. Now I will have two reasons to do one. Thansk for the opportunity!


  20. Oh my, thank you so much!! I am so excited, and I know exactly where that beautiful, sunny window star is going in my home! I will pay it forward somehow every day, big or small! What an inspiring giveaway!

  21. Missed it, but a good idea anyways. Where did you get the Pay It forward picture? Did you design it?

  22. Crooked Moon Mama...I just took it from ""
    that's where I signed on to do the Pay It Forward challenge. It's sort of the officious symbol that whoever started this challenge designed!
    I don't know where the challenge originated from...I think its supposed to be done exclusively on blogs, but I just wanted to make it easier for people to participate!
    xo maureen

  23. darn - missed the opportunity. you ladies are wonderful and talented and inspiring. thank you for all that you do !

  24. Maureen-just wanted to let you know, as promised... ♥Rosemamie

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