Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yarn Along!

I'm SO happy that Ginny of Small Things decided to start this Yarn Along!  I mean, combining our current reads with our current knitting projects, (two of my favourite passions)!  Brilliant!

So, here's what I'm reading these days...for me "The Happiness Project" know how sometimes a book comes your way at just the right time?  Well...this is the book for me.  I've been feeling totally out of sorts lately and feeling like a good change is needed in my life.  I'm only on Chapter 3, but I'm really enjoying this book and felt inspired enough already to clean out 4 garbage bags full of clutter from my house!
For Miss Ruby, "The Family Under the Bridge", we've only done one chapter, but so far it's a great read.

And on the needles...a hat for Matilda.  I'm new to knitting so everyone is getting a hat this year, (because it's still very much a novelty at my house)!  I have 4 other knitting projects on the go, but I'm making the Christmas projects my priority.  I try to knit a bit every day, usually I knit while watching a movie in the evening, (currently making my way through an Alfred Hitchcock movie collection)!

xo maureen


  1. WOW, I love love love your blog! I'd like to subscribe via email though- would you be willing to add a (free) Feedburner "subscribe via email" button? If so, please let me know!


  2. Sounds like some interesting reads. I like the title of the first one very much :)
    And that lush pink yarn, well I know my Matilda would adore that colour :)

  3. Love the hat. That yarn looks so squishy and warm. We read The Family Under The Bridge last winter. My kids really enjoyed it. :)

  4. I just started knitting and I am hoping to have 2 hats checked off by this weekend. I have been loving my new knitting adventure!

  5. So fun to be sharing book titles and knitting projects! I'm a new knitter as well and we have hats on the list for Christmas too!

  6. wow! a book can inspire you to declutter. I'll take 2 please! The hat looks scrumptious. best to your knitting endeavours.

  7. The first one peaked my interst, I'll have to check it out. I'm loving all the toadstools in your side bar! You have a most lovley blog!
    Oh, and I'm not new to knitting but am only just now making my first set of hats for my family...I love making them though and wish I'd taken the plunge a long time ago!

  8. Glad to see all the new knitters. Maureen you really should come out to knit night in Eganville. We'd be happy to help if you need any or just to chat.

  9. hat's are such great first projects, and yours looks beautiful! We enjoyed reading the family under the bridge.

  10. I just picked up The Family Under the Bridge at a library sale, recalling as soon as I saw it how I'd loved it as a child, though that's really all I remember about it! Looking forward to reading it again...

  11. The Happiness project sounds great! I could use a dose around here at the moment.

  12. Just heard of THe Happiness Project the other day--can't wait to check it out. And, the Family Under the Bridge is an old favorite! Happy knitting!

  13. I'm going to request The Happiness Project from the library, sounds good. I really need to focus in on my knitting and complete some projects. Alfred Hitchcock, eh, I have never even considered watching that, interesting!

  14. Books, yarn and movies -- great combination. I haven't watched a hitchcock movie in years. I think it's about time I did.

  15. They had an Alfred Hitchcock boxed set at our local library...I just thought "what the heck"...I've actually been enjoying them!
    Oh, and definately check out the Happiness's totally inspiring!
    xo maureen

  16. Lovely color for the hat, and Family Under the Bridge is well read here too :)

  17. I love your yarn choice! That color is amazing. You are the second person this week to mention the Happiness Project so I think I am going to have to get it! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Ok. I need to borrow that book. Love the colour of your wool. Hats are fun to knit. I look hopeless in hats, but the children are happy to wear any I knit. So obliging.

  19. A newish reader here. We loved reading The Family Under the Bridge last year at Christmas. Very sweet, touching story.


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