Thursday, December 9, 2010


Cranberries on an evergreen tree...  a little magic.

A simple, sweet ornament to make with your little ones is wire strung with cranberries.
After the stringing is done, the flexibility of the wire allows you to create shapes of all sorts!

  The girls seemed to love the simplicity and satisfaction of stringing, shaping and hanging.

 I enjoyed too. It has been wonderful to craft with them and slowly decorate our tree
 piece by piece ~ day by day.

So many way you can shape it and dress it...

Circular with a spinning Orange ...

Oranges make a sweet solo appearance too

 A birch bark center...
(If you want the branch in the center ~ Martha Stewart has the best craft punches for this!)

Hanging Hearts...

So many options! 

 With Love
 ~ Shanti ~


  1. well...they look beautiful really but, and I apolozige in advance for my ignorant question, having food hanging like that don't actract bugs like mosquitoes?
    Here, everytime I have some ripe fruit out of the refrigerator they show up!

  2. LOVE! Simply gorgeous.

  3. Papgena... these ornaments are temporary ~ just like stringing cranberries and popcorn for the tree. They shall be enjoyed for a couple weeks and then off to the compost the berries go. Here in Canada the bugs are no longer around ~ to cold ~ so that doesn't seem to be an issue. You could also hang these outside if you live somewhere cold. They would freeze and last a lot longer.
    Take care.

  4. also wanted to mention that the orange slices are dehydrated and sealed for preserving. The link for making them is under "orange". They make a lovely addition to the tree!

  5. Wonderful! I giggled with delight when I saw your dried orange slices as we just dried some ourselves for the same purpose. Great friends craft alike :-) Looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Blessings & light...

  6. your tree looks so magical! These are a lovely decoration

  7. Oh I love these! What an enchanting tree...simple and christmassy and perfect.

  8. What fun ornaments :) We've done this outdoors for the birds but never thought of doing it on our own tree *grin*. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Beautiful! The oranges look very nice and bright. I love the cranberry heart, especially with the acorns or the birch bark.

  10. What a great idea to use wire to thread the cranberries on. Much more durable...and so fun to bend into shapes! Way to go, Shanti! Another fabulous success. :)

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