Monday, January 24, 2011

Taking Care of Mama Monday! Please join in!

 Years ago at a womans gathering I recall one of our older mama friends musing about her feet.  There were tears in her eyes, as she talked about having calloused and rough feet, because she just never found the time to take care of herself.  I always remember this moment, because I'm so guilty of not taking the time out of my day to pamper myself in little ways.  I can feel the toll of neglect on my big toes have huge callouses on them...I have foot pain, (that comes and goes), and my toenails are in a horrendous state of disrepair, (and also have remnants of nail polish on them from the summer of 2010)!   These feet of mine carry me through my day, they help me run after my children, play and dance...they've carried the weight of 2 children and have helped me walk endless miles. new committment to myself...start taking care of these beautiful feet of mine. 

Here's a recipe I found for a basic foot made my feet feel heavenly and soft!
1/4 cup ground oatmeal
1/4 cup cornmeal
1 Tbsp sea salt
3 drops peppermint oil, (optional)
*Mix with water to form a paste and massage it onto your feet...get it between your toes and all over, love those feet up!

Afterwards, rub in your favourite moisturizing cream and put on some thick socks!  This took about 5 minutes out of my day, but I'm feeling some serious self love here!

"The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art."
-Leonardo da Vinci

Please join in our Monday linkalong!  You don't have to do this on Monday to play kind to yourself any day of the week, or every day of the week because darnit...YOU deserve it!!!

xo maureen


  1. oh!! i so need to do this!!! my poor winter-worn-out feet. thanks for the idea

  2. Well you have me up and running ~ no seriously ~ 2.4km (1.5miles) twice a week and I bet that foot scrub will feel like heaven afterwards! Thank you.

  3. This week I've been allowing myself to just dream. xx

  4. I'm joining in again.

    Love the foot scrub. I love bathing my feet in a herby milk mixture. Leaves my feet so soft. Somehow makes all of me feel good.

  5. That recipe sounds lovely and possible :0)
    Thank you!

  6. I love when we acknowledge the importance of taking care of ourselves, and those quick tips that we can all use to take a few moments out of our day to make everything feel just a little bit better.

  7. I'm loving this!! We SO deserve this!! Last Monday I gave myself permission to spend the afternoon creating a scrapbook that I kept telling myself I didn't have time to do. I had such a great time, and felt so good afterwards. Now I'm declaring every Monday afternoon my scrap time. No reason the kids should be the only ones playing with paper and glue, right? Thanks for the push I needed to carve out some Mama Time!!

  8. Not sure I'll get around to the foot scrub, but I have to admit, I have a fondness for painting my toenails bright red... In your honor, I will repaint mine loud & proud (even if it is winter and my toes are stuffed into socks 99% of the time!)


  9. With one sick m,umchkin i am not taking part this week, but next week for sure.Thankyou again for starting this:)

  10. I am TOTALLY going to do this. My feet are gross, but beyond that, I don't even like to look in the mirror anymore. i just don't take care of myself at all.

  11. I'm a day (okay, two days) late, but I'm here none-the-less! You've inspired me to seam up a sweater I started knitting for myself six years ago. Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. bellaspa may offer relaxation and stress relief, they are not considered traditional therapeutic treatments. If seeking therapeutic benefits, exploring other massage types is recommended.

  13. In this hectic life, we have no time to take care of ourselves, hence spa is needed for rejuvenation and stress reduction


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