Sunday, March 6, 2011

Flower Children to Welcome Spring!

Here's a little tutorial on how to make some sweet little flower children!

Last night we had a snowstorm...when I went outside this morning I was knee deep in you can well imagine that spring crafts are my only reassurance that the beauty and promise of spring is near.

You'll need:
some unfinished peg dolls
embroidery floss and needle
wool felt, (in colour of your choice)
paint and brush

 I never paint faces on my peg dolls...this is a first for me!
The lovely Mrs Bloom of We Bloom Here, (who incidentally is celebrating her one year blogiversary), assured me that I CAN paint faces on my peg people!  She is also hosting a peg doll swap...although sign ups are closed, you can go and visit her for some peg doll inspiration.  These little flower children are my contribution. start I painted some hair, eyes and a simple mouth.

Next cut some "tubes" to fit around them...I blanket stitch around the bottom edge, and then blanket stich them on in the back seam to hold them in place.
Please don't feel limited by my colour could do a rainbow of these little flower children!

Next, cut a little "collar" and glue it on.

Then add some petal caps.  I used this daisy template, and added a yellow center, (again use your blanket looks neater)!  Do a gathering stitch on the underside of the petal and pull tight, until it resembles a hat.  Using glue I attached them to the peg people!

Now...of course little flower children are still sleeping in my part of the they needed a little bed to slumber in.  Simply cut out 2 leaf shapes...I cut one of the 2 into 1/2 the size of the first.  Add some "veins" with embroidery floss...

Then attach it all together.  I did a blanket stitch all around, to make it look nice and neat.

And here they are enjoying a little flower children slumber party!

"And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest."
-Percy Bysshe Shelley

in the spirit of Spring!

xo maureen



  1. As always your tutorials are fabulous. I think I might even have the supplies to make a few of these sweet little flower children, and if I get my act together they will even be ready for Springs arival. Thank you for sharing your wonderful tallents.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

    1. They look awesome! Well done! This is so inspiring!

      p.s. my latest review -

  2. These were cute. Then the little leaf sleeping bags pushed them beyond cute into the realm of adorable!!

  3. GORGEOUS! Inspired by you and Mrs Bloom I have ordered some raw wood peg people so we can start our own seasonal groupings. I can hardly wait.

  4. so cute!! you never cease to make me smile with your creations. my daughter and i have been working on ours for the swap (she is doing the children's swap) this weekend. i just showed her yours and she is in love! she made a poppy fairy yesterday that i just adore. i will be a little sad to see it fly away to it's new home. xoxo

  5. Those are lovely! I'm starting work on mine today. (:

  6. Oh, my goodness! How adorable are theses? Love their little petal "hat" :-)

    Thanks for the tutorial. So nice to be able to craft and think about Spring.

    Best wishes!

  7. Oh, sweet sleepy flower fairies at their little slumber party! Just like the the sleepy flower children hiding under the snow waiting for spring to arrive!


  8. How darling! Thank you for your sweet comments about my carrots. I, too, have been so inspired by this swap. I'm coming up with soooo many ideas for dolls!

  9. Love these!!


  10. How made such a good job with the faces (I find that bit so tricky) yours look great.
    The leaf sleeping bags are inspired and will work well with other dolls THANKS

  11. OOOH! I am gonna make these. Been thinking of new spring fairies...LOVE! xxx

  12. Val...I never attempted faces before, because my faces always turned out horribly. The difference this time was a super small paint brush, and I just did "dots" for the eyes and mouth, (and no noses...too much chance for a mistake)!
    xo maureen

  13. love, love, love!!! We will be creating some of these! Thanks for sharing

  14. So sweet! I just showed my daughter these and we put them on the top of our March Break 'to make' list! I love, love your creations! thanks for sharing :)

  15. ho,ho!
    now those are super cute...esp the hats!
    love you both:)

  16. Okay, too funny! I was totally gonna make leaf sleeping bags for our craft exchange. I made some in the fall and the kids LOVE them. But frankly, it was Littlest One who came up with the idea. Seriously. It was going to be a blog post...but you beat me to it! I love how crafty minds wander the same nature paths :-) Now, those daisy hats? LOVE them. And I also never do faces, for the same reason. Just not that skilled. But yours turned out delightfully! Sweet, simple, and full of character.

  17. I adore them! And you are right, a rainbow of them would be so fun! I actually just made a "sleeping bag" for a peg doll this weekend, and it was so fun to do! I really like your leaf though, very appropriate for those flower children :)

  18. Oh my goodness these are adorable!! I always love stopping by to see what you have been creating :)

  19. Maureen, I just love these! I've made similar flower fairies every year, but these are much simpler and perhaps easier for including the children. Wonderful. I hope you don't mind, but I added a link to them on my blog.
    xo Jules

  20. Too cool, guys! I'll be linking on Facebook :)

  21. Oh Maureen they are too gorgeous.. I will have to make some even though ours never even went to sleep:).

  22. These are darling - thanks for sharing!!

  23. What kind of glue did you use? These look awesome!

  24. these are so sweet! When I saw them in the gallery I was so hoping you were on my list:)
    congrats on the painted faces, I haven't ventured there yet (though both my children have).

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