Monday, March 28, 2011

Taking Care of Mama Monday...revisited!

If you've been keeping up with our goings on at all, you may remember that I declared this year my "taking care of mama" year.  Yes...I had things I needed to do...lose weight, carve out some mama time, and persue some of those "to do's" that have been on my guilt ridden back burner for years and years.

Me in the morning just about to leave and very excited!!!

This past weekend was a hands on lesson in self care.  I took a Friday night off work, and got up bright and early Saturday and headed 2 hours to Ottawa...BY MYSELF!!!!!
oh...did I mention I was BY MYSELF!!!!!!!

Can you see why I'm scared of city driving?  These are the things I contend with on my daily drive...wild turkeys and fields full of deer!!!  I took this picture on my way to Ottawa!'s my confession...I haven't driven in the city in 5 years...I actually hate city driving, and I've developed a bit of a "phobia" when it comes to driving on those big, multi laned highways.  I purposely left early so I could avoid the city traffic, (and ease my way back into city driving)...well...I did it!!!  I actually let out a hoot, "WAHOOOOOOO!!!!!".   At first I felt a bit crazy for yelling out loud in the car, then I thought...what the heck...I'm alone in the car...driving on the 417..."WAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

I also had some time to meet a fellow blogging mama...we had a lovely "blind blog date" over coffee.
You know you can just tell that someone is a kindred creative soul, and seeing this lovely gal sitting there sewing little wool lambs...I knew I was in the spirit of a creative kindred!   She gifted me with a lovely little bunny from her new etsy shop LittleWool.  If you're in the market for a lovely gift for your Easter basket you should check her out, her creations are inspired and beautiful, (and besides...we should all do our part to support handmade)!!

My main reason for going to the city though was to indulge in a totally delusional fantasy and try my hand at spinning wool!  There was a beginners spinning class happening, and I had signed myself up.  It was a wonderful class and I managed to spin some very errrrr "artistic" yarn.  I have new admiration for all your spinners out there who make it look so effortless, and who produce such lovely yarn.  I think there will be a wheel in my near future...I've started a savings jar!!!  Of course I have my friend over at the Knitty Gritty Homestead to thank...she sat me down and taught me how to she's unleashed this fibre monster who just can't get enough!!!!!

Here it super art yarn!!!!

My reason for sharing all of this is that all of the things I did on this day scared the hell out of me...from driving on the highway, to meeting someone new, to taking a class by myself in an unfamiliar city.  At the end of the day I felt such a sense of accomplishment...a holy sh**  I actually did this feeling!!  This year has been full of little things...I've started running, (and signed up for a 5k run in May), I've lost 24 pounds to date, I've been taking time to learn new things, and make the time to enjoy the things I LOVE...none of these things make me less of a mama...instead they make me take notice of myself as an important, (and dare I say), integral part of this family...this mama is PROUD to exist and happiest when everyone is cared for...including myself!

Here's to doing the things that scare the hell out of us!!!!
Let's start a revolution mamas!!
xo maureen


  1. Way to go Maureen!

    I know what you mean about tackling your fears. Driving scares me to death and makes me weak in the knees to even think of driving...but being a momma I can not be be so reckless and not I learned. I drove all over the state of Texas where our friends live and if I can drive in Texas where the roads are packed with people and the highways are SIX lanes I knew I could drive anywhere. It was such a huge triumph for me to know that at 30 years old I finally conquered my biggest fear I truly cried tears of joy.

  2. Dear Maureen,
    I think it is wonderful that you are doing all of these new and exciting things! Wow! How lovely that you are learning to spin, you are going to love it:) Pretty soon you will be able to spin with your eyes closed, it is like riding a bike, once you know how to spin you won't forget. I have also been learning new skills, like how to crochet and I can't beleive I waited this long to learn.
    Happy day to you,

  3. Way to GO! I can totally relate to the driving phobia. We've lived in the middle of nowhere for the last 3 years, and there has just been no call for me to do any driving other than on our tiny, local, dirt roads. Every year I spend a month psyching myself up to get back on the Highway when we go on vacation! And how awesome to learn a new crafting skill, and to have all that time to yourself! Oh my!! :)

  4. Well done! You are an inspiration!! And congratulations on all the amazing progress you've made so far!! And funny that, I just posted a similar fear-but-pressing on post today, too. :-)

  5. Thank you so much, Maureen, for paving the way...for bravely stepping out into new territory, and beckoning each one of us to do the same. Your courage is truly inspiring! I am entering into completely unknown lands in my life too! And it is SO empowering to step away from those fears that bind, into the great unknown...only then can we truly grow into the women we were created to be! :)

  6. So happy for you!! And 24 pounds?! You must be feeling amazing!! :)

  7. I howled when I saw your yarn...good for you!! I'm so very proud of you and all your accomplishments. As amazing as I've always thought you are, I think you're just hatching into who you're meant to be. Can't wait to meet "her"!

  8. Here's to doing things that scare the hell out of us, indeed! Wonderful, just wonderful! Love it!

  9. GOOD FOR YOU!!! I need to get me some of that mama time you're talking about!

  10. Thanks for sharing! How inspiring.

  11. maureen, we are proud of you too. you encourage us all! thank you!!

  12. I LOVED the turkey photo!! they are a regular part of my two hour daily commute in rural Ontario. when my four were small I perhaps drived 500 km in a year- we walked everywhere. Then I moved to the farm and now drive way too much- but all gravel and back roads.
    Kuddos for giving yourself a push out of your comfort zone! funny but I find that is usually where the best stuff starts!

  13. Good for you, not letting anything get in your way. I'm so glad that you enjoyed spinning. I hope you get that spinning wheel soon. Fibre addiction is a pretty common condition. Not sure anyone is even looking for a cure!

  14. Maureen what an inspiring, honest post - and hooray for you. I love woman who enjoy themselves and share that joy with others.

    Much love to you and the celebration of your wonderful self!


  15. Well done!!!! I share your fear of driving, we moved last year & I've driven very little since then. To go from familiar 2 lane roads to the 6 & 8 lanes here is scary.
    I learnt to spin in the late 70's & haven't touched it since I started a family in the early 80's. Last Sunday we went to an agricultural show & there was a group of spinners there. I'm planning to take it up again. Luckily I kept my wheel.
    Btw, I live in Oz my eldest ds lives in Ottawa.

  16. When I'm scared, I know I'm headed in the right direction! Diving into my fears leads me to the best experiences. Love the creative spool of yarn--that's the best ever!

  17. WTG Girl! Hearing other strong women out there make me feel more brave. Thanks so much for your blog~I just recently found it and have become addicted. LOL
    I also checked out the etsy shop, can't wait to get something.

    Oona Nicholas

  18. 5k? Holy sh... indeed! Hooray to your and your accomplishments, I hope you are really, deeply proud of yourself. You are an inspiration, lass, I actually feel the urge to scare the heck out of myself now, too. It's been too long!

  19. wow! great for you maureen! i can see myself getting my own phobias now that i've been cocooned in the world of stay at home parenting for the last two years and on top of that living on a tiny island. i'm so scared of city driving when we return to american next month and have even made a request that we take the coastal route home from LAX. and in the last two years i have been to one yoga class and was never able to go back because of our circumstances. i hope that i don't go too far down the "take care of everyone else but yourself" mommy hole. i love that you're starting this revolution! i'll see how i can participate in my own way. something that is hard for me is to even go for a walk by myself. i think that's where i'll start when we return to california.

  20. Thanks for your honesty in this post. I've learned to accommodate my fears instead of tackling them. When I do tackle them, I always feel so accomplished. But it's working up the nerve to do it that's half the battle. Good luck with your 5K!

  21. YAY! I am SO SO HAPPY to hear of mothers who are proactive in their own lives!!! WE NEED THIS MORE MAMAS!!! Your children will see how to follow their dreams as well:)

  22. Oh thank you ladies!!!! Truly, do you know how reassuring it is to hear that I'm not the only person on earth with driving phobia, (as well as countless other things I'm afraid of)! Thank you for holding me up...tackling your fears is scary as hell...but, now that I've done it once, I know I can keep moving life is reopening, and I am awakening from this "slumber". And Stephanie you are so right...this new person IS emerging, and I'm delighted to be getting to know "her/me" all over again!! Thank you thank you!
    xoxo maureen

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