Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Post on How I Lost Weight and Gained a Bit of Myself Back!!!

This is my journey of transformation.  I had a friend liken it to me coming out of a cocoon...and trust me, I was wrapped up quite tightly in my cocoon for years and years and years!!!
I have to admit that writing this post is's painful to see these pictures, and to remember the person I was...but, I think it's a story worth here it is!
*(insert deep breath here)*

This was me...and while I always tried to have a smile on my face
I was SO unhappy inside...

I have dealed with being overweight for a long long time.  My weight fluctuated from being 10 pounds overweight to 70 pounds, (at my highest weight).  I can blame this weight gain on all sorts of things, from being depressed, having low self esteem, to having babies, to just not giving a damn anymore.
I had tried losing weight before...usually with minimal success...and then it would always come back, (sometimes with a vengeance)!
For me my weight was like this layer I could hide was like I was pleased with being a victim...with putting everyone else first.  Taking care of myself wasn't even ON my list of priorities!

I hated having my picture taken...I couldn't believe I actually looked like what I saw...

One day it clicked though...I was disgusted with myself, at 5'4" I was 201 pounds...I didn't like myself, or my life...something had to change and fast.
 I remember it was Boxing Day, and I knew I wasn't going to wait until New Years Day to do something about it!  I started by cleaning my cupboards...I threw away every bad piece of food in my cupboards...all the chips, white pasta, sugary treats...and then I cleaned my fridge, and I mean sparkling clean...I needed a clean slate. 
The next day I went shopping and filled my cupboards and fridge with healthy food...fruit, vegetables, quinoa, lean meats...and then I started to exercise.
 At first I couldn't run more than 10 feet...I would just alternate between running and walking.
 After some time though, the amount I could run was slow to start, but I kept at it, (at least every other day).  I also invested in an ipod was amazing how music motivated me to keep going, (especially in the dead of winter)!  
As I gained some confidence and starting to lose weight, I decided to do the unthinkable...I signed up for a 5km run!  I still wasn't even running 5 km, but I thought it would be a good goal to work towards. 
By the time the race rolled around I was 30 pounds lighter...I ran my heart out, and I made it to the finish line!  When I crossed the finish line I cried and cried...months earlier I couldn't run 1km, and here I just finished 5!! 
For me exercise was THE key to being successful.  I also allowed myself treats every now and me...I don't do well with deprivation...there was chocolate involved every step of the way!
When my weight loss stalled, I decided to join Weight Watchers online...I found this helped hold me accountable, and it also helped me lose another 30 pounds.

This is me say I'm happier is an understatement!
I also kept running, and by the end of summer and I went from a size 18 to a size 9/10!  Losing weight also helped me find the confidence to change other things in my life that weren't working, and some of those things were hard to face. 
My children's father and I separated, (as over the years we had grown very far apart), and I had to face the challenge of dating again, and taking care of our home all by myself.
I started making myself a priority in my life...started dancing again...went out without mother guilt...all huge challenges. 
The wonderful thing was that my children have witnessed firsthand the gift of transformation...they have witnessed happiness and self love in action, and I think they will ultimately reap the rewards by having a happy and balanced mother heading the ship!
I have managed to maintain my weight loss for over a year now...I'm down to my last 13 pounds until I reach my goal weight.   One of my tricks to keeping weight off is that I weigh myself almost every single morning.  I find this helps me better understand my body rhythms, like when I gain water weight, and I notice immediately if my weight starts to climb up.  I know this method wouldn't work for everyone, but for me I find it holds me accountable.  I also LOVE reading fitness magazines...especially Oxygen...I liked reading stories of people who were my size, who transformed me it makes it all seem doable and it inspires me!

One of my treats for losing weight was a tattoo that I have wanted for years and years...

 Since I started this journey I've lost about 60 pounds...I feel amazing...I have newfound energy and confidence and I feel like an inspiration!  I actually have people coming to me and asking me "how did you do it?" and that's an awesome feeling!
I lost weight and gained SO much more...

Losing weight is hard...if you are on this journey I applaud you...if you are thinking about it,
I support you fully!  The journey for me will never end, but it has opened up a door to this world that is FULL of possibilities...and for that I am grateful!

with love
xo maureen

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  1. Wow, it certainly an inspiring story and your the author. Managing all of that and splitting up is a load of hardwork. So pleased to hear about successsful stories. I love that third photo. You are glowing.

  2. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story Maureen! I just started on this journey myself. . .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bravissima, mama! And hey, could you share your fav. quinoa recipe? Quinoa has been on my radar for years but I've never got up the courage to try cooking it...


  5. You look gorgeous - and your story is an inspiration. I'm at the start of the same journey ..

  6. thanks for sharing your journey! you are glowing in these new photos!!

  7. Felicitaciones!!
    ¡eres una gran inspiración, te ves fabulosa!
    thanks so much for sharing

  8. You surprise me, a skull... A smiling skull but all the same I kinda expected a magic mushroom! Looking fabulous and very happy - as you should.

  9. Congrats on your weight loss! Your story is inspiring.


  10. GOOD FOR YOU! I've been thinking seriously of a tattoo myself lately, I was too broke and busy to get around to doing it in my 20s but was starting to think in my 30s I might be getting a little too...well motherly I guess to get my first one but the tattoo jar is officially started (clink!). I've given my body over to two csections and a endless barrage of iv's, blood work, and injections with my ms, it's time to take me back! Thank you for sharing your triumph!

  11. I could feel your energy and enthusiasm for the 'new you' as I read your story! It's not so much the numbers on the scale but how you feel about yourself inside! Congratulations for all that you accomplished!
    ~ joey ~

  12. What a beautiful story! You look A-mazingly gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your journey. I also don't have myself on my list of "things to do", (or things that are important?) but I've never thought about what a martyr that makes me. Yikes. Very inspiring. It's kinda funny, just seconds ago I was reading a homeschooling blog and thinking about how helpful it is to read other families processes, and how much it validates, and also inspires me in my choices. Until I read this post I never thought about why I avoid all fitness blogs. I've been creating barriers for myself. Thank you. Seriously. Thank you.

    much love,

  13. Maureen, You absolutely Rock!

  14. Thank you ladies for your kind comments! Mrs Bloom...if you want some quinoa inspiration, you should check out our recipe section...Shanti posted her quinoa salad recipe awhile back and it's one of my favorites...I also just cook it up with some curry and cumin for flavour and add a cup to green salads.
    a non knee mouse...get that tattoo you always won't regret it!
    Amanda...there are some really cool fitness blogs out there for women of all types...
    (a super cool glamour girl who lost alot of weight...I LOVE her blog)
    (loads of super healthy recipes and inspiration)
    And for those of you just starting out if you need support or a cheerleader in your corner, please e-mail me...I will cheer you on every step of the way!!
    xo maureen

  15. I can totally connect with your story. I weighed 2012 pounds at 5'7" last Thanksgiving. The day after Thanksgiving, I threw away all the "bad" foods, then went shopping. I started walking on the treadmill, then jogging. I have lost about 45 pounds so far - still some ways to go, but now I know I'll get there.

    You have done an amazing job!

  16. I can totally connect with your story. I weighed 2012 pounds at 5'7" last Thanksgiving. The day after Thanksgiving, I threw away all the "bad" foods, then went shopping. I started walking on the treadmill, then jogging. I have lost about 45 pounds so far - still some ways to go, but now I know I'll get there.

    You have done an amazing job!

  17. You are beautiful! I'm proud of you! (but never forget it's the inside that counts the most)!

  18. Your determination is so inspiring Maureen! I can't believe we haven't seen one another in ages. Thank you for your beautiful example of how important it is to take care of ourselves as women and mamas. You look fabulous my dear! Hope we'll see you around a bit this summer!

  19. I just started my weight loss journey this month and this was so wonderful to read because i really could relate!!! I'm finally done making babies and am ready to focus on my body and making it MY body!!!
    You look so great and I LOVE your skull tattoo it's absolutely beautiful!! Thanks again for the inspiration:)
    Happy weekend to ya mama!!

  20. Big or small couldn't care, as long as your happy, and play that piano accordion for me, I mean post about your music...

  21. Congrats. I think its fabulous that you put yourself on your to do list. I just did the same and got myself a personal trainer. I'm up to 2 days of 1 hour workouts from 0. I hope to work myself up to four but for now I'm enjoying the sweet victory of actually getting my body moving. ~Robin

  22. You were beautiful then and you are beautiful now. But your happiness makes you positively radiant.

  23. Way to go mama! You rock!
    I loved reading your story, I relate to the feelings you talked about, being unhappy in your body. It's funny how sometimes something just clicks and you find a way to do what you need to do.
    I myself have lost 140lbs since my first child was born (yep, had to lose 40 of it twice due to the second li'l one, lol). It is amazing to have so much of myself back. I'd still like to lose 15-ish more (I say ish because as I'm sure you know, it's more about the feel than the number).

    Congrats again!!

    (P.S. the part about the 5k brought tears to my eyes!

  24. Your story is worth reading, Maureen. :) I want to give my sincerest congratulations! Your self-realization would be nothing if you hadn’t done anything about it. The right kinds of food and movement are your best weapon to eliminate excess pounds. They should go hand in hand because if not, you wouldn’t be the happy and satisfied Maureen now. Congrats again! :D

    Pearlie Twiford

  25. “For me exercise was THE key to being successful.” – Indeed! And your dedication to losing weight was also a significant factor to your healthier lifestyle. Congratulations, Maureen! Keep it up! =)

  26. I can really relate to how you feel every day since you lost all that weight. It is an awesome feeling, isn’t it? Especially if you’ve been overweight all your life and you finally had the guts to live with a healthy diet, and exercise.

  27. Indeed, losing weight is a hard-to-win battle, mostly because you are in conflict with yourself. Changing habits and adapting a new lifestyle is not easy and definitely hard to maintain. However, if you push yourself harder and you strictly follow your program, the result will be worth all your time, effort and hardship.

  28. I commend you for having such a hopeful and courageous spirit, Maureen! Losing weight is indeed hard and compels a long and, sometimes, windy journey, but it's definitely worth the effort in the long run. By the way, how are you doing now? =)

  29. You have always been beautiful, no more now than you were back then. Now, you have self confidence. It makes such a tremendous difference.

    Bless you, dear girl.



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