Saturday, September 4, 2010

Getting there...

As promised here are my after pictures!!!

This is our homeschool room which was in some desperate need of attention!

I redid the bulletin board by covering it with a piece of Autumny fabric, and glue gunning some felt leaves on the corners.  I think I'm going to do this every season and change it up!

I cleaned out and organized our homeschool cupboard too!  This cupboard is a life saver for's where we store almost all of our learning supplies for the upcoming also helps to keep things out of sight, (out of mind), for our little explorer toddler!

Here is the other side...this room is shared by Matilda and Ruby...I try to keep Matildas toys on the lower shelves and the books that I hold sacred on the top shelves!

And if you turn around, you see this under our stairs...a little play nook for the girls.
The kitchen and wooden fridge was built by my 15 yr old nephew Ryan. 

And here is the living room...note the absence of clutter!  (okay...I'll confess...most if it is sitting on my stairs, waiting to be put away upstairs or thrown away, but at least it's not on the window sills)!
My mother found the couch cover/quilt at the dump!!!!!  It needs a bit of mending, but it's just beautiful!
I'm astounded that people throw these things away...but, delighted when I receive such a treasure!

And here is our door that leads to an outdoor porch.  I've been meaning to sew curtains for this door for the past 5 years or so.  I decided yesterday that a cheap stained glass effect would work for me.  So we got out the tissue paper and modge podge and Ruby and I went to town!  Cheap and effective...gotta love it.
Now I just have to work on planning our daily homeschool schedule.  I'm hoping to get that done tomorrow, and we're going to ease into it slowly starting on Tuesday!  I'm pretty excited about this upcoming homelearning year...we'll be doing grade two this year, and I can't wait to see where Ruby leads me in her delight of learning!

Also...I mentioned before that I LOVE canning and preserving I started another blog called
Putting Away the Harvest.  I'd LOVE to have other bloggers, gardeners, homesteaders, locavores and home canning enthusiasts contribute their recipes as well, (and ideas for putting away the harvest).  I'm dreaming that it will be a community blog where we have many contributers and ideas.  If you want to contribute please send me your recipes and posts, (even if you have old posts on your blogs relating to the subject...send them to me)!!!  I truly believe in the power of growing, preserving and storing food for's awesome to see the pantry filling up with food!

Don't forget about our giveaway...please go HERE to enter! 
There are 2 lovely prize packages...each containing 4 creams!!!
(and one will contain a little extra)
Go and enter!!!

Happy Weekend Everyone!
xo mauren


  1. Your room looks wonderful!
    What a great feeling to be organized.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  2. What a lovely space. The birthday photos in rainbow frames are darling and the stained glass window treatments are a wonderful idea. I have been looking for a window covering option for my son's room for some time and I think this may be the winner. Thanks for the inspiration.
    p.s. As I write this I am spying the wool felt toadstool tutorial in my peripheral vision. I will be making these as well.

  3. what?!! your nephew made that? it is stunning!! surely as gorgeous, if not more so than any on the market. what a gift to be so talented!

    kudos on your organizational accomplishments! feels good, i'm sure. we, too, are doing some tissue paper stained glass on my daughter's windows! i'll post pics when we are finished. ;)

  4. loving the new room! you have worked so hard on it and it looks great! I love a good tidy and de-cluter. infact yesterday my boys went back to school. Kenzies first day at propper school and so i wasn't too sad i threw myeslf in to cleaning. the bathroom cupboard was totaly re organised... 2 bags of recycling and a bin bag of rubbish later.... I felt much better!

    And what an amazingly talented lad your nephew is!!! Its beautifull!

  5. Beautiful -- I especially love the way your pretty blue curtains frame your cozy couch... it makes me want to settle in with a virtual cup of tea...

  6. your hard work paid off- it looks great! i esp love the window effect, would love to know more about it.

  7. the door looks GREAT!! I love your house:) can i come live there for a bit? :):) hehe, I'd have to bring my family of course:) ::hugs::

  8. Maureen I love it! I need to declutter and get started and dont get finished. Also love your toy cooker and rainbow frames! x

  9. Beautiful! I especially love your door window!

  10. Great! There are soo many things I love about this post! I love the wooden kitchen, what a very talented nephew you have! And the 'stain glass' window! that looks fantastic. Oh and thatnks for reminding me about the pinboard I have sitting in my cupboard waiting to be covered and used!
    Productive weekends are great are'nt they!?

  11. I'd like more info on how you did the stained glass door thing! I need to do something similar, but I'm unsure how to go about it.

  12. What a lovely space for home edding, so tidy and organised. I especially love the coloured glass in the door. Thanks for sharing x

  13. I love the girls' kitchen set. Ella has one too but it's plastic. She spends so much time 'cooking' for her babies. Your room looks great. I'm heading over to check out the new blog.

  14. A charming little room. You've done a splendid job at decorating it and making it comfortable for the children to work and play. Your door is pretty to. I'm very impressed with the little kitchen and fridge your nephew made, he's so talented.

  15. Looks great!
    I love the wooden kitchenette & fridge. Amazing that you're nephew built that! What a great wall colour in your living room as well.
    Thanks for sharing this

  16. I love the blue walls with the red and white quilt. And your nephew's work is really amazing!
    I'd like to do something like that to my back door. Do you think it would be too hard to get off? At Christmas time, my sister-in-law just used acrylic paints to paint the glass on her door. It was really pretty, and it came off later.

  17. It looks great. I love the way the space is shared with the whole family.

    In the living room however I do not note the absence of color, I note the absence of the Dresden block quilt on the couch! (Of course the new quilt is great too, but obviously the Dresden quilt made an impression on me last time...)

  18. Sarahinthewoods...I don't know how hard it will be to get it off. I put up a "how to" was so spur of the moment, I just thought "what the heck" the worst case scenerio it will take some sos pads, scrapers, and minimal swearing!
    Renee...that other quilt is in such a state, it just had to come off. It was a "cutter" quilt, and is full of holes and really coming apart. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but it's days as a cover are at an end.
    any suggestions for how to repurpose an old quilt?
    xo maureen

  19. Love that play kitchen! What a treat you have in that nephew of yours!


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