Todays post fills me with shames me to no end to even admit to this, but I am obese, (my GOD how I hate that word)!!! Around Christmas time, when I had my revelation that I needed to get onto the never ending "to do" list, I felt awful. I was pretty darn close to the heaviest I've ever been. I've never been attracted to junk food, but put a plate of cheese, crackers and bread in front of me and I'll eat the whole darn thing. I've always been an emotional eater...when I'm troubled, bored, stressed, tired...and let me tell you, I've been pretty darn troubled, bored, stressed and tired these past few years. I've spent my whole adult life being overweight...the weight I carry masks some pretty serious pain in my life, but I'm feeling like this is the time to come to terms with myself and I need to make the time to do this!
sorry folks...I'm not feeling brave enough to post my "before" pic tonight!
On Boxing day I cleaned my fridge...not just cleaned, but I had it sparkling clean. I cleaned out the kitchen cupboards, (again to a sparkle), and then I filled my home with good, healthy food. I joined an online weight loss group, (called Spark people), for support, and I started exercising again...putting myself up there on the "list". In a month I'm down 12 pounds and soon I'll be classified as "overweight"...I have about 38 to go before I'm at a healthy weight. The best part of it all is that I'm relearning how to eat...what a serving size looks like, making cooking wholesome food a priority, (and by taking care of myself, my family gets the benefit of some pretty amazing meals)!
Taking care of our health is one of the most important things we can do as mamas.
Please leave your link below if you're joining in this week. You don't have to do it on a Monday to play along, just link to something inspiring that you do for yourself. It can be as simple as carving out some time to knit or read, cleaning out your craft nook...something, anything that is for YOU and you alone!
Be brave mamas...take some time, (guilt free), to find yourself again!
xo maureen